
    Curtain wall consulting firm has been popular in foreign countries for some time, as the company has strong technical expertise, on behalf of a third party for the owners to provide technical services and project management, this practice is more common in foreign curtain wall industry.
    In China, part of the curtain wall curtain wall engineering consulting firm hired by the Party or the wall of consultants employed also appear. Curtain wall from the current situation in the actual consultation, the various conditions varied, and some consulting firms in the engineering design of the program began early curtain wall; some consulting engineer was hired as tender evaluation experts, some are not allowed to participate in bid evaluation; consulting firms are of different sizes, skill levels.
    Our advice for the curtain wall not strict access system, which should bear the responsibility for consulting firms and how to manage? These issues are not clear. Many companies and experts hope to be concerned industry associations, and their incorporation into industry management areas, making the construction curtain wall industry more healthy and orderly development.
    The industry believes that wall into the Chinese market, foreign consulting firms, should have certain qualifications.
    Good and bad --- to strengthen the structural silicone sealant products, the regulatory
    Construction silicone sealant products have been the construction industry, an important functional material curtain wall, structural sealant product quality has always been the focus of extensive curtain wall industry.
    Years ago, the glass curtain wall has been some media called 'time bomb', the relevant departments to strengthen the market supervision of structural adhesive. Since then, China's aluminum curtain wall windows sealant industry enterprises of the industry certification, on the whole the majority of companies focus on product quality certification, and is also not yet found the quality poor due to structural plastic curtain wall engineering major accident occurs. Huang Qi remind structural adhesive manufacturers, we must focus on product quality, and always sounded the alarm bell, do not fail because of a structural adhesive, ruined the entire curtain wall construction industry.
    However, the current structural adhesive used in construction work there is good and the bad, the phenomenon of mixed fish heads, and some use a small amount of curtain wall engineering brand products, while some other brands of plastic doped; as raw material prices, some companies to reduce costs, additive too much, so there is bad adhesive sealant, butyl rubber insulating glass dissolution, not only damaged the doors and windows sealed wall structure, but also affect the life of construction projects and even personal safety.
    In order to further regulate the construction windows and doors, curtain wall engineering the use of silicone rubber, silicone rubber production to strengthen the enterprise and industry management products, increase product quality supervision and inspection efforts to improve the structural silicone sealant industry overall product quality and level of China Construction Metal Structure Association Board of aluminum curtain walls and windows, curtain wall of China Building Decoration Association, the Committee will continue building on the industry recognized manufacturer of silicone sealant to conduct an annual product sampling, annual testing of qualified products, recommend products industry for the year .
    --- Beware of aluminum alloy back door insulation shall be replaced
    According to incomplete statistics, China's annual demand for aluminum heat insulating strip about 13 million meters. There are currently on the market with PVC, nylon 6 and other materials instead PA66 phenomenon. Insulated aluminum doors and windows in the back door of the phenomenon exists, and some projects of high quality insulated windows and doors of processing samples of the tender, and the actual use with PVC insulation article. Do not meet the national standards used in the manufacture of door and window insulation, the structure was relaxed, windows for high-rise building is very dangerous.
    China around 2002 and gradually the production of aluminum thermal profile, start using the bar imported from Europe insulation products. In 2005, China Construction Metal Structure Association organized the drafting of the preparation of a "hard plastic insulation used in construction of", "building through insulated aluminum alloy strip," the two industry standards. Construction started in 2006 the national energy policy, energy saving windows and doors and aluminum STONE COATED METAL ROOF TILES sharp increase in demand.
    It is reported that China Construction Metal Structure Association, aluminum curtain wall windows Publicity Committee is fully insulated national standards section, the implementation of trade promotion work to identify the product quality of enterprises through certification inspection system. At the same time to encourage enterprises to participate in industry finds that recommended in the industry section of insulation products certified.

