
Building materials "12" planning by demonstration http://news.dichan.sina.com.cn/ China Construction 2011/7/14 0:00:00 Sina real estate official microblogging
Summary: developed by the Organization of the Ministry of Building Materials Industry "12th Five-Year" development planning "by experts. "12th Five-Year" period, China's building materials industry must shift from traditional industries to new industries shift from scattered development to focus on the development, manufacturing to products manufactured from the material to shift production from high-carbon to low carbon production, and shift from low-end manufacturing to high-end manufacturing.
Organized by the Ministry to develop the building materials industry "12th Five-Year" development plan "has been demonstrated by experts. Planning the main line of structural adjustment and industrial upgrading, the elimination of backward production capacity, increase products industry on the basis of the transformation of traditional building materials industry, and extend the industrial chain, according to the scientific development of the residential market demand, restructuring and development. In addition, the "12th Five-Year" period, the building materials industry will focus on supporting the new materials, new industries, and deep-processing products, high-end specialty building materials, making it the main source of growth for the future.
This reporter has learned that the next five years, the building materials industry will adhere to the five unchanged: First, the construction industry-based market-oriented unchanged. 70% of the market in the building materials industry in the construction industry. As infrastructure projects, real estate providers, construction materials industry will be more in the way of manufactured goods to supply the construction industry. Second, the adjustment of industrial structure constant for the main line of development. The building materials industry stone coated metal roof  will improve the production concentration through structural adjustment, promote merger and  reorganization of the large group. The circular economy, energy saving mode unchanged. The future development of indicators in the assessment of building materials industry is not just the scale is more important is energy consumption level. Ideas to seize the opportunity to develop new industries is the same. Long time, traditional building materials still account for a large share of new growth point of the building materials industry will rely more on emerging industries. Fifth, to rely on the new strategy unchanged. The future development of the building materials industry will rely firmly on the transformation of innovation to achieve industrial upgrading.
But experts also said that, there are five new problems to be solved at the same time to maintain the "five constant. The first is serious homogenization of the building materials industry, showing the convergence of production technologies, development methods and products. Followed by the slow development of products industry is still in the stage of development based on raw material production. The third is the capacity for independent innovation is obviously inadequate, hard to get into some of the major technological achievements. International competitiveness, the lack of leader-oriented enterprises. The fifth is the industry management level with the world advanced level have significant gaps, the whole enterprise of modern management level is not high.
"12th Five-Year" period, China's building materials industry must shift from traditional industries and emerging industries, turned to focus on developing decentralized development, manufacturing to products manufactured from the material to shift production from high-carbon low-carbon production, and shift from low-end manufacturing to high-end manufacturing .
According to the building materials industry "12th Five-Year" development planning ", the basic raw materials of cement, plate glass, ceramics, stone coated steel roof tiles sintered wall materials there will be no more room for development. With the upgrade of housing consumption, building the advance of industrialization, in line with resource-saving and environment-friendly new building materials, light building materials will be more policy support.
edited by stone coated metal roof tiles

