
Stone industry there are three major trends

It is still general consulting released "Stones 2013-2017 market research report shows: 10 years ago, the development of China's stone industry there is a certain blindness, lack of scientific master plan, resulting in a waste of resources, environmental pollution, ecological damage. Increasing emphasis now with the various areas of resource-saving and environmental protection issues, and to reduce the waste of resources, destruction of the ecological environment phenomenon. The future, as the sustained, steady development of China's economy, the development of China's stone industry will become increasingly large, the momentum gradually become stronger. The stone industry is increasingly focused on the green, the stone industry will usher in a more beautiful spring.
Of Veneer Stone Manufacturers and the Suppliers stone industry after years of development, gradually from serious pollution, low technical content, relying on hand-made development into low-carbon, mainly machinery production, industrial clusters as a fulcrum of modern industry. China's stone industry to achieve such a development the industry internal structural adjustment are inseparable. Stone industry presents a cluster development. In recent years, the number of domestic stone industry cluster growing, expanding, and more than 30 stone industry has a certain scale. The stone industry clusters led to the development of logistics and transport, machinery maintenance, construction and installation, and other related industries, which also led to the development of the regional field.
Still the general consulting building materials industry analyst pointed out: the future, there are three major trends in the stone industry.
First: A few years ago, the focus of the development of stone industry is the selection of the materials used, the key now is technology, some natural stone thinning process so opaque jade or striped marble, granite, quartz stone becomes translucent, so that translucent effect, bring new possibilities for use in interior design. The backlight lighting natural stone or become the next darling.
Second: With the deepening of the concept of green, green, high-quality alternative to have begun to appear. This will push the stone industry into a new round of development stage. The concept of green building is becoming more and more popular, in addition to the artificial stone, the stone industry can be some waste materials recycling, made of new materials, these can save resources, in addition to the development of new materials, can also be green elements of financial into the design concept. Future, artificial cultured stone veneer stone industry into the era of green creative.
Third: decoration industry will be an extension of the stone industry, stone has been more and more widely used in the kitchen and bath industry.

